in the past the All Blacks won most of their games - they are the best team in the world they have beaten every single team that have played them and they have lost agaist some that have played them. They have made history a couple of times one of them is winning back to back for the world cup and one other won is for winng all of there games in a seoson and the last game was vsing irlend.

They bet France on the 1 test they won 52 11 and on the second test was 52 11 and the third test was 49 14 the All Blacks heve won 52 and the French have won 11 so they have played 63 test matches agaist each other. That is alot of test mathes

In the future the lion team is going to come in 12 years witch will be 2029. IN the future they might be building a robot rugby machine for the fords to push agaist